
If the product you require is an existing or mature item, or one which would not benefit you in the development of tooling, TE can assist by sourcing the item for you.

With an extensive database of quality vendors for a wide range of products, we can quickly have you buying from a quality and trusted vendor to provide you with what you need.

  • TE will locate and provide a reliable Chinese manufacturer
  • TE will provide complete project management of the end-to-end manufacturing and sourcing processes
  • TE will provide deliver quality inspection services and a complete logistics solution

If you have a vendor already, we can work with them to ensure that we establish a detailed and adhered to quality and delivery requirements to reduce all risk to your business.

Sourcing in China can save your business considerable time and money, allowing you to sell and develop your brand.

Contact TE today to see how we can assist you grown your business by sourcing from China.